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ConnectCONNECTTICUA, in its efforts to support member campuses, provides various ways in which campus faculty, staff, and administrators can connect. TICUA hosts professional development meetings, retreats, and “just in time” webinars to address issues affecting the well-being of member campuses. The TICUA website also provides SocialLink, a dedicated area for members to ask questions of colleagues, pass along useful information, and access news and helpful information. The Social Link platform hosts multiple Groups, Forums, and Blogs and is restricted to faculty, staff, and administrators of TICUA member institutions. Help Sign InOPPORTUNITIES TO CONNECTAFFINITY GROUP MEETINGS & RETREATSView CalendarSocial Link GROUPSFind a GroupTHEMATIC MEETINGSView CalendarSocial Link FORUMSView |
2/26/2025 » 2/27/2025
ACC MEP Workshop