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Data Collection

Enrollment and Completions Reporting

The Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association (TICUA) collects enrollment and completions data from each of its member institutions.  This data collection allows the private colleges and universities in the state to understand the enrollment characteristics and patterns of the students attending and graduating from their institutions. This reporting format replaces several surveys previously conducted by TICUA with its member institutions. In addition, TICUA works closely with the staff of the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) in its research and analysis of the Tennessee Lottery Scholarship (TELS) program. This information will also provide our institutions with additional research on the impact of the TELS program.

Please contact Amy Heckman  (615-242-6400) if you have any questions.


The schedule below was developed with feedback from administrators at several member institutions. 

Fall Enrollment October 1st
Spring Enrollment March 15th
Completions June 15th
Summer Enrollment     August 15th

*If the due date falls on the week-end, the file will be due the following Monday.


2024-2025 Resources

Enrollment & Completions Codebook - 2024-25 (.PDF) - Last Revised: 08/23/2024

Enrollment Reporting Template - 2024-25 (.XLS)  - Last Revised: 08/23/2024

Completions Reporting Template (.XLS) - Last Revised: 02/02/2010

2023-2024 Resources

Enrollment & Completions Codebook - 2023-24 (.PDF) - Last Revised: 08/30/2023

Enrollment Reporting Template - 2023-24 (.XLS)  - Last Revised: 08/25/2023

Completions Reporting Template (.XLS) - Last Revised: 02/02/2010

File Upload

Upload instructions are delivered prior to each data collection to individual campus contacts. 

Data Checking Program Resources

TICUA Enrollment Data Checking Program Documentation - See Enrollment and Completions Reporting Codebook

TICUA Enrollment Data Checking Program 24-25 (.txt) - Last Revised: 8/23/2024

TICUA Enrollment Data Checking Program 23-24 (.txt) - Last Revised: 8/25/2023


TICUA Completions Data Checking Program  (.txt)

TICUA Completions Data Checking Program Documentation (.PDF)