COVID-19 Guidance and Resources
For News and Updates from the American College Health Association visit
Tennessee Specific Data Trends-Weekly
Updated from Tennessee Hospital Association
Tennessee Department
of Health Resources and Data
For Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “What’s New & Updated” visit
Department of Education Website on American Rescue Plan/HEERF Grant funding
Additional resources found under
Guidance for Other Infectious Diseases of Concern
Frequently Asked Influenza (Flu) Questions: 2022-2023 Season
National Foundation of Infectious Diseases Flu Toolkit for College Students
Other resource
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
TICUA recommends all member institutions prepare for potential outbreaks of COVID-19 on campus.
Guidance Related to Reopening Campuses
Resources from the week of January 17-21, 2022
Resources from the week of December 13-17, 2021
9, 2021
Resources from the week of October 25-29, 2021
Resources from the week of September 20-24, 2021
August 23-27, 2021
Resources from the week of August 16-20, 2021
Resources from the week of August 9-13, 2021
Resources from the week of April 12-16, 2021
Resources from the week of March 22-26, 2021
Resources from the week of March 3-12, 2021
Resources from the week of February 8-12, 2021
Resources from the week of January 25-29, 2021
Resources from the week of January 11-15, 2021
Resources from the week of November 16-20, 2020
Resources from the week of October 26-30, 2020
- COVID-10 Vaccine Partners resources cited by Dr. Fiscus in the October 29 Bi-Weekly Conversation with Dr. Shelley Fiscus
- This article "A Room, a Bar and a Classroom: How the Coronavirus is Spread through the Air"
from the October 28, 2020 edition of Spanish publication: El Pais provides a visually concise and easily understood message addressing strategies known to combat the spread of the virus. Thanks to the CAO of a member campus for sharing this resource!
Resources from the week of October 19-23, 2020
Resources from the week of October 12 - 16, 2020
Resources from the week of September 28 - October 2, 2020
Bi-Weekly Conversations with Dr. Shelley Fiscus, here
Official guidance regarding music or drama classes is limited, but can be found on
Other useful references:
TN Department of Health COVID19 FAQs for K-12 Schools, Colleges & Universities
Resources from the week of September 21-25, 2020
TN Dept of Health: Flu Vaccine Webinar PowerPoint (9/17/20)
Resources from the week of September 7-11, 2020
Resources from the week of August 31-September 4, 2020
Resources from the week of August 24-28, 2020
Resources from the Week of August 17-21, 2020
COVID 19 Contact Tracing webinar and slide deck with Dr. Lillian Ogari, Baptist Health Services University
Weekly COVID-19 briefing with Dr. Michelle Fiscus, August 20, 2020 - Video recording
Resources from the Week of August 10-14, 2020
Resources from the Week of August 3-7, 2020
Resources from the Week of July 27-31, 2020
Resources from the Week of July 20 - 24, 2020
Commissioner Mike Ezell's presentation and resources related to TN STRONG mask campaign.
Resources from the Week of July 13 - July 17, 2020
- Dr. Michelle D. Fiscus with the TN Department of Health Recording, July 16.
- DRAFT MOU Influenza vaccine provider agreement. (DO NOT sign and return. It is a draft and not an official document)
Resources from the week of June 29 - July 3, 2020
- Dr. Michelle D. Fiscus with the TN Department of Health Recording, July 2.
- BaseCamp Health -- Ascend Platform -- the TICUA Master Agreement and individual campus Partnership Agreement may be
found in the TICUA Primary Procurement User Group
. Per TICUA policy, the group has limited access. Access is provided to TICUA member campus chief financial officers. Please contact your institution's CFO for specific information regarding these agreements.
- Zoom Meeting, July 8, Reopening Colleges and Universities During COVID-19: Keeping Students and Communities Healthy
by the American Public Health Association & the National Academy of Medicine, Register here.
- Dr. Michelle D. Fiscus July 1 email addressing CDC stance on testing students, faculty and staff before returning to campus.
- TDOH Blank Contact Tracing Form
- CDC Human Infection with 2019 Novel Coronavirus Case Report Form
Resources from the week of June 15-19, 2020
- BaseCamp Health--Ascend Platform Zoom Meeting Recording, Tuesday, June 16. The password for access to the recording has been posted on the TICUA website, Social Link-sign in page, in each affinity groups Resources, titled Recordings PW.
- PathGroup Zoom Meeting Recording, Wednesday, June 17.
- PathGroup Corresponding PowerPoint, Wednesday, June 17.
- Dr. Michelle D. Fiscus with the TN Department of Health Recording, June 18.
- Dr. Michelle D. Fiscus email addressing COVID-19 testing.
Other Resources
American College Health Association Guidelines for Reopening
CDC - Guidance on Reopening Campus
Tennessee Pledge - Higher Education Guidelines (.pdf)
Reopening Campus Amid COVID-19: Public Health Strategies - Webinar featuring Dr. Michelle D. Fiscus with the TN Department of Health
National and International Guidance
For the most up-to-date national and international guidelines, TICUA will defer to the National Association for Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU). NAICU has compiled the latest resources on COVID-19 from the Centers for Disease Control
and the US Department of Education.
CDC - Guidance for Higher Education
Webinar Archive-Do's, Don'ts & Reputational Risk
NACUBO Planning & Budgeting Resources
Tennessee Guidance
For Tennessee specific guidelines, please visit the Tennessee Department of Health resource page. The table top exercises, prepared by the TN Department of Health, specifically for higher education can be found at the bottom of the page.
Tennessee Department of Health Resources
Tennessee Public Colleges and Universities Status
Campuses may also find the following information helpful from our partners at RCM&D Insurance Advisory Firm:
Pandemic Business Continuity Planning
Updates, Recommendations & Insurance Analysis on COVID-19
TICUA Institution COVID-19 Campus Information
American Baptist College
Aquinas College
Baptist College of Health Sciences
Belmont University
Bethel University
Bryan College
Carson-Newman University
Christian Brothers University
Cumberland University
Fisk University
Freed-Hardeman University
Johnson University
King University
Lane College
Lee University
LeMoyne-Owen College
Lincoln Memorial University
Lipscomb University
Martin Methodist College
Maryville College
Meharry Medical College
Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia
Milligan University
Moore Tech College of Technology
Rhodes College
Sewanee: University of the South
Southern Adventist University
Southern College of Optometry
Tennessee Wesleyan University
Trevecca Nazarene University
Tusculum University
Union University
Vanderbilt University
Welch College
Williamson College